The Best Advice.

Keep up with your Oral Hygiene routine.

– Brush your teeth twice a day, use the floss, floss picks, Tepe, Wisdom interspace brushes, single tufted toothbrushes. If you are running low, let us know and we can send some to you!

REDUCE your SUGAR intake.

– Because you are at home, you may well be snacking more than normal, try to make sure that you don’t eat too many sugary items.

Toothbrush Etiquette.

– Make sure you are the only one using your toothbrush. If you have been unwell then if possible replace your toothbrush with a new one! (if you aren’t able to get a new one then it is possible to pop it through the dishwasher, or, pop it in some water with a sterilising tablet.